You’re not here by accident.
It’s not a coincidence, it’s not mere chance. You are here right now because someone cared enough about you to share the greatest message ever told: God loves you.
Christianity is more than religion. It’s a day by day personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
What’s next?
“I have questions.”
If you’ve watched this video and have questions or want more information, then we want to get you in touch with someone local who would be glad to further explain how God’s love can totally transform your life. So if you would like to grab a casual cup of coffee and hear a little more before making a decision, let us know and we’ll get you in touch with someone!
“I’m ready for the next step.”
Maybe you just prayed and invited Jesus into your life. We couldn’t be more thrilled and would love to hear about it! Let us know in a message below. Now that you’ve made that decision, we want to help you get connected with a local church that can help you grow in your new relationship with Jesus Christ. You’re entering an exciting, fresh new start to life and getting plugged-in to a church family will give you a community to help you along the way!